
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
Metamorphosis of Runaway Home - a New Musical
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
In this interview with my co-creator Darren J. Butler, we talk about how our musical Runaway Home has metamorphosized from a couple of monologues to a staged reading by headliners for heads of the entertainment industry in the middle of New York. We're hoping it's the room where 'it' happens - so full productions in major venues is next.
Find creative team and actors bios and more at the musical's website: https://www.runawayhomethemusical.com/
Darren's website: https://www.darrenjbutler.com/
My website: https://judyrodman.com/

Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
A New Approach To Manual Therapy for Voice: Walt Fritz Interview
Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
In this episode, we sit down with renowned physical therapist Walt Fritz. As the author of 'Manual Therapy for Voices... a Person-Centered Approach,' Walt shares his expertise in empowering patients to actively participate in their healing journey. He discusses how this patient-involved approach can lead to more effective and lasting results. Furthermore, Walt extends his expertise to train other healing arts professionals - vocal coaches included - enabling them to integrate this patient(student)- empowered approach into their own protocols. Join us as we explore the transformative power of this approach and discover how people can heal better through active involvement in the therapeutic process.
* Walt Fritz website https://waltfritzseminars.com/about/ *
* "Manual Therapy for Voice and Swallowing" book: (Please note this is my affiliate link) https://amzn.to/47ffWFy #ad
*Judy Rodman website: https://judyrodman.com/

Tuesday Jun 27, 2023
Vocal Strain: 18 Causes & Fixes For Your Tired Voice
Tuesday Jun 27, 2023
Tuesday Jun 27, 2023
Vocal strain, also known as vocal fatigue, is the leading cause of vocal problems, limitations and vocal damage for both singers and speakers. In this episode, I'm going to give you the top 18 causes of vocal strain that I see, and tell you how to fix what's making your voice so tired. I'm also going to share the audio of a short vocal lesson I did where my student's vocal fatigue was eliminated immediately after I put her at the wall.
Links mentioned:
The full video of Silvana's vocal lesson
My ebook on Vocal Health
Food enzymes I use https://amzn.to/3r0jE5c (Amazon pd link)
The Easy Way To Stop Smoking book https://amzn.to/3PA5Jgm (Amazon pd link)
Speaking Voice Technique online course
Interview with Gina Thurston
Interview with Angela McCuiston
My story of vocal recovery after endotracheal tube
DISCLOSURE: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Tuesday May 23, 2023
Get Fit, Not Hurt! (Chat With Angela McCuiston of Music Strong)
Tuesday May 23, 2023
Tuesday May 23, 2023
Getting physically injured can temporarily stop or permanently end a music career. My guest Angela McCuiston, founder of 'Music Strong', has developed a specialty career in fitness training and rehabilitation exercises for music makers of all kinds. Listen to this interview to hear Angela and I discuss some vital fitness strategies that can improve muscle balance, endurance and strength. A musician herself, Angela understands the stresses of our vocations and the stakes involved!

Wednesday May 03, 2023
Singing On The Road? 12 Tips for Touring
Wednesday May 03, 2023
Wednesday May 03, 2023
Singing on the road can be a dream come true or a vocal nightmare. Here are 12 tips to help your voice end up stronger and freer of vocal fatigue after your gig or tour than before! Whether you're just doing one gig out of town, or a whole season of concerts, this advice plus using great vocal technique can make a huge difference to your voice.
Links mentioned include:
* The Hall Sisters: https://thehallsisters.com/
* What To Eat Before You Sing (blogpost/podcast) https://blog.judyrodman.com/2011/01/what-to-eat-before-you-sing.html
* Tabata exercise (do an internet search to find several Tabata timer apps for phone or computer) https://health.clevelandclinic.org/tabata-vs-hiit-whats-the-difference/ * Information about my vocal lessons: https://judyrodman.com/vocal-training.htm
*Sign up for my 9 page e-book on vocal health plus newsletter here: https://judyrodman.com/newsletter-signup.htm

Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
Successful Music Career Secrets - Vinnie Potestivo Interview
Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
In this episode, I interview Vinnie Potestivo, a renowned music and brand consultant who advises artists, major media, and corporations on the latest trends and strategies for success.
Over the years, the music industry has undergone significant changes, and Vinnie Potestivo has witnessed many of them first hand. In our chat, he generously shares some successful music career secrets that are working now. Vinnie also tells some behind-the-scenes stories of people he's worked with that illustrate the advice he gives, and some will have you laughing.
Vinnie has his finger on the pulse of the music industry, and his advice is invaluable to anyone who wants to make it in this dynamic industry.
Vinnie Potestivo Entertainment: https://vpetalent.com/
His podcast 'I Have A Podcast' : https://vpetalent.com/i-have-a-podcast/
Find me and my services and sign up for my free 9-page report "Vocal Health Tips" at https://judyrodman.com/
Listen & subscribe to All Things Vocal Podcast on iTunes ... on Spotify ... or anywhere else.

Monday Mar 27, 2023
Choose Your Vocal Genre Strategically!
Monday Mar 27, 2023
Monday Mar 27, 2023
Have you ever wondered if the style you're singing is truly best for you? In this episode I give you some practical factors to help you choose your vocal genre strategically, which will help you be creatively fulfilled AND more successful in your vocal career. And yes, it may be that for YOUR vocal goals, you need to choose more than one style to master. Listen to the end for some case studies of singers whose vocal genre outlier choices resulted in success!
Find me at www.JudyRodman.com
While you're there, be sure and download my 9 page report on vocal health!

Monday Jan 30, 2023
Interview with Songwriting Legend Dave Loggins
Monday Jan 30, 2023
Monday Jan 30, 2023
In this rare interview, hear the stories of the journey and the creative process of Dave Loggins, one of the most gifted singers and songwriters that’s ever put pen to paper or mic to mouth. Besides putting a ton of music into the world that people remember their lives by, he has been my friend, collaborator and mentor for decades. I hope you enjoy this interview as much as I did having the conversation.
Find Dave Loggins music wherever you listen to songs. If you love music, or need songwriting inspiration, you'll want to buy some.
Find me at JudyRodman.com.